Huawei Honor 8 was unveiled in China just a few days ago as the most high-end device ever from this sub-brand. It's basically got most of the specs of the Huawei P9, but sports a different design (with glass used on the back instead of metal) and an older chipset with a lower-clocked CPU. All of these things are paired with Honor's well known value for money proposition, so the smartphone is certainly very promising.
Huawei is sending press invites (like the one you can see on the left) for an event taking place on August 16 in San Francisco, California. This is when the Honor 8 will become official for the US market.
Although the phone isn't named in the invite, that dual camera symbol that kind of looks like infinity has been used by Huawei before to convey how proud it is of its dual camera setups. And since the Honor 8 is the only Honor device to feature such an arrangement... it's clear that this is the handset that will have the spotlight on August 16.
Huawei will sell the Honor 8 unlocked, of course. Pricing for the US is still a mystery. Even though it starts at $298 in China, it's pretty unlikely that it will get the same price in the US. Perhaps something nearer to $350 is to be expected.
Source: GizOK